Gifts For Girls 2023

Z 106-3 is teaming up with Youth & Family Services to make sure their girls have a very merry Christmas and a happy holiday this year! Cards are available HERE! You’ll see the name of a girl and her gift wishes! Choose more than one card if you’d like! Gifts can be returned to our Riverfront Broadcasting studios at 1116 Jackson Blvd or Youth & Family Services at 1920 North Plaza Blvd. All we ask is that you return the gift(s) wrapped with the card number attached by December 14th and they will deliver them in time for Christmas. In some cases, this may be the only gift these girls will receive. Every child should have a gift under the tree on Christmas Day. Thank you for giving! Have a Safe and Happy Holiday from Youth & Family Services and Rapid City’s Christmas Station! Z 106-3!
